I've been having the strangest dreams lately-- the strangest thing about them, as far as I'm concerned, is that they actually make a little sense. By that I mean, they aren't completely random and nonsensical--and by that I mean, they're representational, if you know what I mean.
Do dreams ever really mean anything? Or are they simply the result of your subconcious imagination taking everyday thoughts and experiences and mixing them up?
I think this was Wednesday--
July 19th.
I don't remember how this one started out.
I was at a school, or a meeting house or something, and standing in front of a muddy yard in the rain, walking up to a chain-link fence. There was a strange little girl there. When everything was dark and wet and dripping, she was bright and cheery and colorful, with a happy face and red curly hair, and a big red bow on the top of her head.
Then I was in my house, just coming into the livingroom, and there was an enormous thunderstorm. You know how you can poke your finger through rubber, but it just bounces back without making any kind of permanent hole or dent? Well the lightning during this storm was just like that--huge bolts of lightning poking right into the living room, almost touching the floor, and kind of bouncing back again. My older brother was in the room. He was the smart one, apparently. Wherever this lighting struck, he would quickly go and sit in that spot, since he knew lightning doesn't strike the same place twice. The lightning just kept coming and coming. I was the stupid one-- I ran around, kind of freaking out, and a lightning bolt struck my outstretched hand. My hand turned bright red--or pink, maybe. It shook like crazy. It hurt like heck. When I looked at it, there were these shards hanging right out of my thumb, like ripped blood veins or nerves or something. I remember thinking how strange that was.
I went outside. It wasn't my family's backyard. It was something from the country, with a little dirt round going round in a circle past the back door, and woods behind. Apparently, the Nazis were occupying. This didn't strike me as so strange, but it made me nervous. The president of the U.S., Matthew Broderick, apparently, tricked the Nazis by pretending to send our troops south, when they actually went north, and ended up meeting them in a circle and taking them out. Whilst all this was happening, a rich wealthy, blond haired woman took my brothers and sisters and I in her limo--or maybe it was a plane, but then again it could just as well have been a boat or something. In any case, she gave us all this fancy chocolate. There was this box made of chocolate and wafery-stuff, with little chocolate envelopes. I remember the woman was very sad.
Then all of a sudden we were back at my family's house, except it wasn't our house, it was strange to me. I didn't like it. We (my sister and mother and I) had to babysit these two horrible little bratty girls. I couldn't stand them. My mom left somewhere, and the minute she was gone, I told the girls to get out of my house and walk home. After that, a friend of mine from highschool, a nice guy I went to the prom with, came over with his father (who didn't look a thing like his real father) and told me he had his liscence. Apparently that was good, because then he could take me to a dance on Tuesday. He was wearing a football jersey--or maybe that's what he really looked like. I don't know.
There was a girl, older than me, I guess. I had joined some kind of club or something, and she told me they were having an important meeting on Tuesday, the day I was supposed to go to this dance. I had a fit and told her there was no way I would go.
Everything that came after that was all muddled up. I don't think I could describe it very well.