Where did the weekend go? I'm pretty sure Saturday flowed right into Sunday. Therefore today should not be Monday.
I was inevitably late for work again this morning. Inevitable because, again, it's Monday. The incredibly cold blast of wind that met me on the walk to the campus center froze every exposed patch of my skin. Even my eyes felt frozen (is that even possible?)-- especially my eyes. And then-- horror of horrors, I remembered how many of my friends are studying abroad this month in places like Hawaii and (even better!) Greece. The irony that they should leave just in time for this sudden cold blast of winter was almost too much to bear. My big brother would have a conniption fit over my complaints: "You're a Minnesotan! This weather is warm for a pure-blooded Minnesotan!" Logically then, I am not a true Minnesotan... and curiously, I'm not afraid to admit it. At least I don't panic over a couple inches of snow like our high and mighty weather forcasters. (Then again, I don't usually have to drive in it either.)
I feel I should document the discovery of an artist named Keith Haring in my drawing class today. When I first saw his work I wasn't really impressed, but I think it's growing on me. How interesting.
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