Saturday, May 19, 2007


Oh Art building, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways: Oh, the beauteous gargoyles that bedeck your brick exterior; the bronze statues that beautify your grass grounds; the charcoal dust embedded in the concrete outside your squeaky doors; the graffiti outlines that stain the ground of your sidewalks; the dangerous wire and netting that poke out from your entrances from forgotten student projects; the lovely whiteness of your sunny windowed gallery; the bumper stickers and odd expired art show pamphlets that hang from studio doors; the creepy clay-stained bathroom doors; randomly placed chairs, wooden blocks, misplaced drawings and paper-cutters; the warm studios but freezing lecture hall; and the apple trees that blossom outside your windows without fail every spring. Oh Art building, how I love thee. And how I look to the time I may spend within you next fall in your painting studio. I always treasure the time we spend together.

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