Sunday, November 18, 2007


To invent a person.
Not to create, not from nothingness.
But there, in existence,
in shadow.
Sharp edges on his face
and such a tiny light in his eyes,
enveloped in shadow,
faded into the crowd.
No one notices but me.
And because I noticed,
he is mine to invent.
I give him a name.
I spell it out for him.
He says his name, and suddenly
it's his.
can coax a smile from his lips.
His laugh
ridiculously clear
can be mine.
The light that plays in his eyes
that was once only a tiny light
that was once only mine to notice
will not leave my thoughts.

And there it is.

I thought I had invented him.
That he could be mine
through the heart I unburdened...
Because now I am captured
no kidding.

Now what can I do?

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