Thursday, January 04, 2007

Thurby, Januarious 4

A new year.
So much has been written about new years. Fresh start, hopeful resolutions... lots of optimism. Huh. I call myself an optimist. Are optimists allowed to get angry at pessimists? Is that against the optimists' code of behavior? Hmm. 'Cause sometimes I just wanna slug 'em. Right in the shnoz.
You know what's funny? Songs that have a happy beat, but contain super depressing lyrics. And you only notice it when you actually listen to the words, and then it isn't so fun anymore. And then you hear your roommate listening to the song and you feel it your duty to inform her what the song is really about, and then she's all depressed too. Spread the joy!
It's a really pathetic metaphor for new years. Close off all the depressing crap going on around you and just be happy and hopeful! Listen to the catchy tune but ignore the kill-joy.
I gave up on new years resolutions long ago. Mine are made and broken every day.

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