Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Lost brain. Missed badly. If found, please contact.

I honestly don't know what's wrong with me.

Finishing up the semester shouldn't be this hard. But today I felt very near a break down-- it just kind of hit me out of no where. When I'm here in the apartment I have absolutely no motivation, and end up doing everything at the very last minute. And then, it all accumulates until I'm about ready to scream. So as I scrambled to finish a paper today and realized with terror that some important paperwork was supposed to be sent in three days ago... and finally I made it to a professor's office to hand in an assignment... I have a bad feeling that he could tell I was very close to tears.
This happens every year! I really should be used to it by now, I should be able to handle it. But instead, I'm running around like a chicken with its head cut off, completely disorganized and bewildered. My head is in the clouds, my mind is far off somewhere else. I can't concentrate. I can't finish anything. I'm sloooowly losing my grip on reality. And I've no idea just how I'm going to make it through this summer.

And it doesn't help that I keep reading the handbooks they send me from the Burren, and getting lost wishing I was anywhere but here.

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Selerines said...
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