Thursday, July 20, 2006


Tuesday or Wednesday, July 18th or 19th. (I've got to keep better track of the day.)

I guess I liked this dream, since I didn't wake up crabby and groggy.
It involved, primarily, a guy at college whom I happen to have a crush on. Maybe that's why I liked it. I don't remember much of it, just the feeling it left afterwards.
We must have been in England. I only say that because it was just like the English countryside sort of thing I've always wanted to visit.
I think we were in a garden. There was an old-fashioned swing, and tall bushes, and a lawn, and flowers and little dark alcoves with impressive-looking statues. It wasn't very bright, kind of dusky and soft and pale and very sweet. All very Jane Austen-like.
I had my younger brothers and sisters with me-- or at least one of them. I think it was Bridget, my little sister, who's two now. She was being extremely cute and sweet. I think I was pushing her on a little swing in a little alcove. She loves to swing. I remember her sweet little curls going back and forth as I pushed her.
This boy, (I won't say his name for privacy's sake... or whatever, you know) walked by with some people I didn't know. They didn't talk to me, even though I'm pretty sure we were the only people in the garden. He was wearing a white outfit. I think it reminded me of the sort of weird outfit that fencing people wear. He noticed Bridget on the swing. He said something to her, and she was all cute and cuddly and whatever. He smiled. Then he noticed me, and looked a little bit awkward or something, and smiled. I don't think he said anything. And then he walked away to join his friends and I watched them sitting on the lawn some ways off, just pushing Bridget back and forth on the swing.
And that's all I really remember. Just being in that garden and feeling very happy and kind of dizzy.

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