Sunday, July 23, 2006


This was July 23rd.

This one definitely needs an explanation. My family pretty much doesn't believe in sleeping in. Ever. So, 9am this morning, everybody was up slamming doors and yelling and what not. I swear, my older brother has a voice three times louder than a normal human being. So I fell asleep again listening to Gregorian Chant, as I had no good classical music that would help me sleep.
I dreamt I was at college. But it was most definitely not my college. It was really strange. I went for a walk with some strange person and we walked around this campus, until we came to this... maybe it was a roof or something. I don't know. As we were walking we went past a kid, who I recognized as a real person from GAC, and apparently he lived in a trailer instead of a dorm, in my dream. By the time we got to this really high roof place, it was pretty dark and there were lots of kids climbing up. So I did too. It was incredibly scary, because people kept warning me that other students had fallen and died from trying to climb it. I thought for a horrible moment that I was going to fall. It was really dark, and I couldn't quite see what I was doing. But I managed to scramble up the thing. I have no idea what we were doing up there, and I don't remember thinking why in the world I would want to be up there. I was just there, for no reason at all. I remember dropping all my pencils down a crack in the roof. I also remember looking down the roof and seeing these students on the ground, dead. Apparently they had fallen and gotten dashed on the ground, smeared like a bug on a windshield, honestly. There was a girl with long blonde hair lying face-down on the ground. It was horrible. But no one else seemed to mind, they were all dancing and yelling and partying. Then all of a sudden everybody started leaving. I was left with a couple of people I apparently knew. I scrambled to grab my things, and realized music was playing. This Gregorian chant music was playing from somewhere. I guess it was my CD boombox, because I grabbed it and shut the music off. Then the people I was with showed me how to get down some stairs into the house that belonged to the roof. But I got lost in the house. It was really fancy and dark and quiet. Sitting on the couch was a man dressed as a jester. Then I ran into the apparent owner of the house who got miffed with me, but I told him I didn't know how to get out. He showed me two glass doors, but there were no steps or anything, it was just a wall with two glass doors and a thirty foot drop.
I don't remember what happened after that.

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