Monday, November 06, 2006


Alphonse Burntrod of Farwood to Prince Albir Elderberry of the Great House

Dear Albir,

I have heard of the plights you've endured at the Great House. Let me tell you that you are sorely missed amongst your friends, Robert, Gil, Ron and I. My sister speaks especially often of your absense, interpret that as you will.
So I've decided to undertake the journey to visit you (and your father, of course) provided I will not be imposing on the household. I trust this will not be the case, as I am sending this letter to you on the rough road to the House. You will simply have to put up with me for a few weeks, at least until I can gather enough first-hand information on your health and happiness to carry back to your poor mother (who worries constantly-- to me, of all people-- that you are not keeping up your strength.)

Expect me in a fortnight or less.

Your greatest of friends,

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