Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Elsapatience of the Great House

From Thera I learned Duke Elderberry has sent for an apothecary for Prince Albir.

From Cook I learned that the apothecary diagnosed the prince to be delusional and very ill. He recommended a two week seclusion. I am afraid this did not bode well with Elderberry. He demanded a second opinion and then a third opinion. Apparently, this two week seclusion interferes with the arrival of General Lauphinstok (and his daughter.)
King Gerald finally intervened, or so it would seem.
The good doctor has made certain things clear to me. Prince Albir's strange behavior of the other night was not due to a case of sleep walking, nor of an odd change of character and sensibilities; it was a minor case of psychosis.
I can't say whether this news distresses me or not. I can't tell whether it concerns or even interests me. For once in my small experience, I am completely and erratically uncertain.

I do know that the mentally unsound prince still possesses my blue ribbon and my letter. And I still plan to retrieve them.

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