Wednesday, August 02, 2006



I can't find my blue ribbon. It distresses me so much, I can hardly concentrate on Cook's instructions for lemon tarts.

Bloody hell. I caught Prince Albir in my garden. On my swing! I wanted to hurl something at his head when I saw he'd discovered part of my letter. The wind didn't take it far enough.
It was rather amusing to watch him climb that great oak, though. He took off his boots (is not that improper? How scandalous) and stockings. He looked as though he were trying to walk up the tree. He would have done better to keep his boots on. It would have made for better grip, but I suppose he was weary of spoiling the things. He does not know much about climbing, that is certain.
When he reached a good thick branch, he swung himself upside-down. It was a ridiculous sight. His loose tunic of a shirt constantly fell down over his face, exposing most of his chest. When he'd finally retrieved all the parchment pieces, he made to swing down again, but lost his balance and fell. He landed hard on his back side. For a moment I was afraid, since I thought he might have hurt himself, but then he got up and rubbed it. Heavens, how I wanted to laugh! But I managed to stifle it.
If only everyone in the Great House were as amusing as Prince Albir.

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